
class glue_qt.viewers.custom.custom_viewer.CustomViewer(viewer)[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for custom data viewers.

Users can either subclass this class and override one or more custom methods listed below, or use the glue.custom_viewer() function and decorate custom plot functions.

Custom Plot Methods

The following methods can be overridden:

Method Signatures

Custom methods should use argument names from the following list:

  • The name of a UI element (e.g. keywords passed to glue.custom_viewer(), or class-level variables in subclasses). The value assigned to this argument will be the current UI setting (e.g. booleans for checkboxes).

  • axes will contain a matplotlib Axes object

  • roi will contain the ROI a user has drawn (only available for make_selector)

  • state will contain a general-purpose object to store other data

  • style contains the VisualAttributes describing a subset or dataset. Only available for plot_data and plot_subset`

  • subset will contain the relevant Subset object.

    Only available for plot_subset

Defining the UI

Simple widget-based UIs can be specified by providing keywords to custom_viewer() or class-level variables to subsets. The kind of widget to associate with each UI element is determined from it’s type.

Example decorator

v = custom_viewer('Example', checkbox=False)

def plot(checkbox, axes):
    axes.plot([1, 2, 3])

Example subclass

class CustomViewerSubset(CustomViewer):
    checkbox = False

    def plot_data(self, checkbox, axes):
        axes.plot([1, 2, 3])

The order of arguments can be listed in any order.

Attributes Summary




Methods Summary

create_new_subclass(name, **kwargs)

Convenience method to build a new CustomViewer subclass.


Custom method called to build a SubsetState from an ROI.


Custom method called to show a dataset


Custom method called to show a subset


Custom method called to filter data using an ROI.


Custom method called when UI settings change.


Custom method called when plot is created

Attributes Documentation

name = ''#
ui = {}#

Methods Documentation

classmethod create_new_subclass(name, **kwargs)[source]#

Convenience method to build a new CustomViewer subclass.

This is used by the custom_viewer function.


Name of the new viewer


UI elements in the subclass


Custom method called to build a SubsetState from an ROI.

See select() for an alternative way to define selections, by returning Boolean arrays instead of SubsetStates.

Functions have access to the roi by accepting an roi argument to this function


Custom method called to show a dataset


Custom method called to show a subset


Custom method called to filter data using an ROI.

This is an alternative function to make_selector(), which returns a numpy boolean array instead of a SubsetState.

Functions have access to the roi by accepting an roi argument to this function


Custom method called when UI settings change.


Custom method called when plot is created