



Quickly send python variables to Glue for visualization.

The generic calling sequence is:

qglue(label1=data1, label2=data2, ..., [links=links])

The kewyords label1, label2, … can be named anything besides links

data1, data2, … can be in many formats:
  • A pandas data frame

  • A path to a file

  • A numpy array, or python list

  • A numpy rec array

  • A dictionary of numpy arrays with the same shape

  • An astropy Table

Links is an optional list of link descriptions, each of which has the format: ([left_ids], [right_ids], forward, backward)

Each left_id/right_id is a string naming a component in a dataset (i.e., data1.x). forward and backward are functions which map quantities on the left to quantities on the right, and vice versa. backward is optional


balls = {'kg': [1, 2, 3], 'radius_cm': [10, 15, 30]}
cones = {'lbs': [5, 3, 3, 1]}
def lb2kg(lb):
    return lb / 2.2
def kg2lb(kg):
    return kg * 2.2

links = [(['balls.kg'], ['cones.lbs'], lb2kg, kg2lb)]
qglue(balls=balls, cones=cones, links=links)

A GlueApplication object