Source code for glue.core.coordinates

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging

import numpy as np

from astropy.wcs import WCS

from glue.utils import unbroadcast, broadcast_to, axis_correlation_matrix

__all__ = ['Coordinates', 'AffineCoordinates', 'WCSCoordinates', 'coordinates_from_header', 'coordinates_from_wcs']

[docs]class Coordinates(object): """ Base class for coordinate transformation """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def pixel2world(self, *args): """ Convert pixel to world coordinates, preserving input type/shape. Parameters ---------- *pixel : scalars lists, or Numpy arrays The pixel coordinates (0-based) to convert Returns ------- *world : Numpy arrays The corresponding world coordinates """ return args
[docs] def world2pixel(self, *args): """ Convert world to pixel coordinates, preserving input type/shape. Parameters ---------- *world : scalars lists, or Numpy arrays The world coordinates to convert Returns ------- *pixel : Numpy arrays The corresponding pixel coordinates """ return args
[docs] def default_world_coords(self, ndim): return np.zeros(ndim, dtype=float)
# PY3: pixel2world_single_axis(self, *pixel, axis=None)
[docs] def pixel2world_single_axis(self, *pixel, **kwargs): """ Convert pixel to world coordinates, preserving input type/shape. This is a wrapper around pixel2world which returns the result for just one axis, and also determines whether the calculation can be sped up if broadcasting is present in the input arrays. Parameters ---------- *pixel : scalars lists, or Numpy arrays The pixel coordinates (0-based) to convert axis : int, optional If only one axis is needed, it should be specified since the calculation will be much more efficient. Returns ------- world : `numpy.ndarray` The world coordinates for the requested axis """ # PY3: the following is needed for Python 2 axis = kwargs.get('axis', None) if axis is None: raise ValueError("axis needs to be set") if np.size(pixel[0]) == 0: return np.array([], dtype=float) original_shape = pixel[0].shape pixel_new = [] # NOTE: the axis passed to this function is the WCS axis not the Numpy # axis, so we need to convert it as needed. dep_axes = self.dependent_axes(len(pixel) - 1 - axis) for ip, p in enumerate(pixel): if (len(pixel) - 1 - ip) in dep_axes: pixel_new.append(unbroadcast(p)) else: pixel_new.append(p.flat[0]) pixel = np.broadcast_arrays(*pixel_new) result = self.pixel2world(*pixel) return broadcast_to(result[axis], original_shape)
[docs] def world2pixel_single_axis(self, *world, **kwargs): """ Convert world to pixel coordinates, preserving input type/shape. This is a wrapper around world2pixel which returns the result for just one axis, and also determines whether the calculation can be sped up if broadcasting is present in the input arrays. Parameters ---------- *world : scalars lists, or Numpy arrays The world coordinates to convert axis : int, optional If only one axis is needed, it should be specified since the calculation will be much more efficient. Returns ------- pixel : `numpy.ndarray` The pixel coordinates for the requested axis """ # PY3: the following is needed for Python 2 axis = kwargs.get('axis', None) if axis is None: raise ValueError("axis needs to be set") if np.size(world[0]) == 0: return np.array([], dtype=float) original_shape = world[0].shape world_new = [] # NOTE: the axis passed to this function is the WCS axis not the Numpy # axis, so we need to convert it as needed. dep_axes = self.dependent_axes(len(world) - 1 - axis) for iw, w in enumerate(world): if (len(world) - 1 - iw) in dep_axes: world_new.append(unbroadcast(w)) else: world_new.append(w.flat[0]) world = np.broadcast_arrays(*world_new) result = self.world2pixel(*world) return broadcast_to(result[axis], original_shape)
[docs] def world_axis(self, data, axis): """ Find the world coordinates along a given dimension, and which for now we center on the pixel origin. Parameters ---------- data : `` The data to compute the coordinate axis for (this is used to determine the size of the axis) axis : int The axis to compute, in Numpy axis order Notes ----- This method computes the axis values using pixel positions at the center of the data along all other axes. This will therefore only give the correct result for non-dependent axes (which can be checked using the ``dependent_axes`` method). """ pixel = [] for i, s in enumerate(data.shape): if i == axis: pixel.append(np.arange(data.shape[axis])) else: pixel.append(np.repeat((s - 1) / 2, data.shape[axis])) return self.pixel2world_single_axis(*pixel[::-1], axis=data.ndim - 1 - axis)
[docs] def world_axis_unit(self, axis): """ Return the unit of the world coordinate given by ``axis`` (assuming the Numpy axis order) """ return ''
[docs] def axis_label(self, axis): return "World {}".format(axis)
[docs] def dependent_axes(self, axis): """Return a tuple of which world-axes are non-independent from a given pixel axis The axis index is given in numpy ordering convention (note that opposite the fits convention) """ return (axis,)
def __gluestate__(self, context): return {} # no state @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls()
[docs]class WCSCoordinates(Coordinates): """ Class for coordinate transformation based on the WCS FITS standard. This class does not take into account distortions. Parameters ---------- header : :class:`` FITS header (derived from WCS if not given) wcs : :class:`astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS object to use, if different from header References ---------- * Greisen & Calabretta (2002), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 395, 1061 * Calabretta & Greisen (2002), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 395, 1077 * Greisen, Calabretta, Valdes & Allen (2006), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 446, 747 """ def __init__(self, header=None, wcs=None): super(WCSCoordinates, self).__init__() if header is None and wcs is None: raise ValueError('Must provide either FITS header or WCS or both') if header is None: header = wcs.to_header() self._header = header try: naxis = header['NAXIS'] except (KeyError, TypeError): naxis = None wcs = wcs or WCS(header, naxis=naxis) # update WCS interface if using old API mapping = {'wcs_pix2world': 'wcs_pix2sky', 'wcs_world2pix': 'wcs_sky2pix', 'all_pix2world': 'all_pix2sky'} for k, v in mapping.items(): if not hasattr(wcs, k): setattr(wcs, k, getattr(wcs, v)) self._wcs = wcs # Pre-compute dependent axes. The matrix returned by # axis_correlation_matrix is (n_world, n_pixel) but we want to know # which pixel coordinates are linked to which other pixel coordinates. # So to do this we take a column from the matrix and find if there are # any entries in common with all other columns in the matrix. matrix = axis_correlation_matrix(wcs)[::-1, ::-1] self._dependent_axes = [] for axis in range(wcs.naxis): world_dep = matrix[:, axis:axis + 1] dependent = tuple(np.nonzero((world_dep & matrix).any(axis=0))[0]) self._dependent_axes.append(dependent)
[docs] def world_axis_unit(self, axis): return str(self._wcs.wcs.cunit[self._wcs.naxis - 1 - axis])
[docs] @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs
[docs] @property def header(self): return self._header
[docs] def dependent_axes(self, axis): return self._dependent_axes[axis]
def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state # wcs object doesn't seem to unpickle properly. reconstruct it from astropy.wcs import WCS try: naxis = self._header['NAXIS'] except (KeyError, TypeError): naxis = None self._wcs = WCS(self._header, naxis=naxis)
[docs] def pixel2world(self, *pixel): # PY3: can just do pix2world(*pixel, 0) if np.size(pixel[0]) == 0: return tuple(np.array([], dtype=float) for p in pixel) else: return self._wcs.wcs_pix2world(*(tuple(pixel) + (0,)))
[docs] def world2pixel(self, *world): # PY3: can just do world2pix(*world, 0) if np.size(world[0]) == 0: return tuple(np.array([], dtype=float) for w in world) else: return self._wcs.wcs_world2pix(*(tuple(world) + (0,)))
[docs] def default_world_coords(self, ndim): if ndim != self._wcs.naxis: raise ValueError("Requested default world coordinates for {0} " "dimensions, WCS has {1}".format(ndim, self._wcs.naxis)) return self._wcs.wcs.crval
[docs] def axis_label(self, axis): header = self._header num = _get_ndim(header) - axis # number orientation reversed ax = self._header.get('CTYPE%i' % num) if ax is not None: if len(ax) == 8 or '-' in ax: # assume standard format ax = ax[:5].split('-')[0].title() else: ax = ax.title() translate = dict( Glon='Galactic Longitude', Glat='Galactic Latitude', Ra='Right Ascension', Dec='Declination', Velo='Velocity', Freq='Frequency' ) return translate.get(ax, ax) unit = self._header.get('CUNIT%i' % num) if unit is not None: return "World {} ({})".format(axis, unit) return super(WCSCoordinates, self).axis_label(axis)
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(header=self._wcs.to_header_string()) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): from import fits return cls(fits.Header.fromstring(rec['header']))
[docs]class AffineCoordinates(WCSCoordinates): """ Coordinates determined via an affine transformation represented by an augmented matrix of shape N+1 x N+1 matrix, where N is the number of pixel and world coordinates. The last column of the matrix should be used for the translation term, and the last row should be set to 0 except for the last column which should be 1. Note that the order of the dimensions in the matrix (x, y) should be the opposite of the order of the order of dimensions of Numpy arrays (y, x). """ # Note that for now the easiest way to implement this is to sub-class # WCS, which means that this will automatically work with WCSAxes. In # future it would be good to make this independent from WCS but it will # require changes to WCSAxes. def __init__(self, matrix, units=None, labels=None): if matrix.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Affine matrix should be two-dimensional") if matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Affine matrix should be square") if np.any(matrix[-1, :-1] != 0) or matrix[-1, -1] != 1: raise ValueError("Last row of matrix should be zeros and a one") if units is not None and len(units) != matrix.shape[0] - 1: raise ValueError("Expected {0} units, got {1}".format(matrix.shape[0] - 1, len(units))) if labels is not None and len(labels) != matrix.shape[0] - 1: raise ValueError("Expected {0} labels, got {1}".format(matrix.shape[0] - 1, len(labels))) self.matrix = matrix self.units = units self.labels = labels wcs = WCS(naxis=self.matrix.shape[0] - 1) = self.matrix[:-1, :-1] wcs.wcs.crpix = np.ones(wcs.naxis) wcs.wcs.crval = self.matrix[:-1, -1] if labels is not None: wcs.wcs.ctype = labels if units is not None: wcs.wcs.cunit = units super(AffineCoordinates, self).__init__(wcs=wcs) def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(, labels=self.labels, units=self.units) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(context.object(rec['matrix']), units=rec['units'], labels=rec['labels'])
[docs]def coordinates_from_header(header): """ Convert a FITS header into a glue Coordinates object. Parameters ---------- header : :class:`` Header to convert Returns ------- coordinates : :class:`~glue.core.coordinates.Coordinates` """ # We check whether the header contains at least CRVAL1 - if not, we would # end up with a default WCS that isn't quite 1 to 1 (because of a 1-pixel # offset) so better use Coordinates in that case. from import Header if isinstance(header, Header) and 'CRVAL1' in header: try: return WCSCoordinates(header) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warn( "\n\n*******************************\n" "Encounted an error during WCS parsing. " "Discarding world coordinates! " "\n{}\n" "*******************************\n\n".format(str(e))) return Coordinates()
def _get_ndim(header): if 'NAXIS' in header: return header['NAXIS'] if 'WCSAXES' in header: return header['WCSAXES'] return None
[docs]def coordinates_from_wcs(wcs): """ Convert an Astropy WCS object into a glue Coordinates object. Parameters ---------- wcs : :class:`astropy.wcs.WCS` The WCS object to use Returns ------- coordinates : :class:`~glue.core.coordinates.Coordinates` """ from import fits hdr_str = wcs.wcs.to_header() hdr = fits.Header.fromstring(hdr_str) try: return WCSCoordinates(hdr, wcs) except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e: print(e) return Coordinates()
def header_from_string(string): """ Convert a string to a FITS header. """ from import fits return fits.Header.fromstring(string, sep='\n')