Known issues and solutions

3D viewers not working on Linux with PyQt5

Until recently, the main conda packages for PyQt5 provided by Anaconda did not support OpenGL, which is needed for the 3D viewers. However, the latest available conda packages now properly support OpenGL, so if you are having issues getting the 3D viewers to work on Linux, try the following: first, make sure you have the latest version of conda installed:

conda update -n root conda

then update all packages in your environment using:

conda update -c glueviz --all

Updating all packages is safest to make sure there are no conflicts between packages, but if you prefer to try updating just the relevant packages, you can try:

conda update qt pyqt icu sip

but note that this may not always be sufficient to fix the issue.

Qt internal error: qt_menu.nib could not be loaded

When using Glue with the PySide bindings, the following error sometimes occurs for some MacOS X conda users:

Qt internal error: qt_menu.nib could not be loaded. The .nib file should be
placed in QtGui.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/  or in the resources
directory of your application bundle.

This is due to the PySide conda package in the defaults conda channel being broken (see the following issue for the latest status on this issue). The workaround is to either use PyQt instead of PySide, or to use the PySide package from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge pyside

Undefined symbol: _ZNK7QSslKey9algorithmEv

On certain Linux installations, when using Anaconda/conda to manage the Python installation you are using for glue, you may run into the following error when launching glue:

ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZNK7QSslKey9algorithmEv

This should be resolved in recent versions of the PyQt conda package, so updating to the latest version should be sufficient to resolve this issue. First, make sure you have the latest version of conda installed:

conda update -n root conda

then update all packages in your environment using:

conda update -c glueviz --all

Updating all packages is safest to make sure there are no conflicts between packages, but if you prefer to try updating just the relevant packages, you can try:

conda update qt pyqt icu sip

but note that this may not always be sufficient to fix the issue.

Incompatibility with PySide2 5.12.0 and 5.12.1

Glue is known to not work correctly with PySide2 5.12.0 due to a bug in PySide2 and with PySide2 5.12.1 due to a different bug in PySide2. If you are using PySide2, be sure to use 5.12.2 or later.