Source code for glue.utils.array

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from glue.external.six import string_types

__all__ = ['unique', 'shape_to_string', 'view_shape', 'stack_view',
           'coerce_numeric', 'check_sorted', 'broadcast_to']

[docs]def unique(array): """ Return the unique elements of the array U, as well as the index array I such that U[I] == array Parameters ---------- array : `numpy.ndarray` The array to use Returns ------- U : `numpy.ndarray` The unique elements of the array I : `numpy.ndarray` The indices such that ``U[I] == array`` """ # numpy.unique doesn't handle mixed-types on python3, # so we use pandas U, I = pd.factorize(array, sort=True) return I, U
[docs]def shape_to_string(shape): """ On Windows, shape tuples use long ints which results in formatted shapes such as (2L, 3L). This function ensures that the shape is always formatted without the Ls. """ return "({0})".format(", ".join(str(int(item)) for item in shape))
[docs]def view_shape(shape, view): """ Return the shape of a view of an array. Returns equivalent of ``np.zeros(shape)[view].shape`` Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the array view : slice A valid index into a Numpy array, or None """ if view is None: return shape shp = tuple(slice(0, s, 1) for s in shape) xy = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ogrid[shp]) assert xy[0].shape == shape return xy[0][view].shape
[docs]def stack_view(shape, *views): shp = tuple(slice(0, s, 1) for s in shape) result = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ogrid[shp]) for v in views: if isinstance(v, string_types) and v == 'transpose': result = [r.T for r in result] continue result = [r[v] for r in result] return tuple(result)
[docs]def coerce_numeric(arr): """ Coerce an array into a numeric array, replacing non-numeric elements with nans. If the array is already a numeric type, it is returned unchanged Parameters ---------- arr : `numpy.ndarray` The array to coerce """ # already numeric type if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, np.number): return arr if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, np.bool_): return arr.astype( # a string dtype, or anything else try: return pd.to_numeric(arr, errors='coerce') except AttributeError: # older versions of pandas return pd.Series(arr).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True).values
[docs]def check_sorted(array): """ Return `True` if the array is sorted, `False` otherwise. """ # this ignores NANs, and does the right thing if nans # are concentrated at beginning or end of array # otherwise, it will miss things at nan/finite boundaries array = np.asarray(array) return not (array[:-1] > array[1:]).any()
def pretty_number(numbers): """ Convert a list/array of numbers into a nice list of strings Parameters ---------- numbers : list The numbers to convert """ try: return [pretty_number(n) for n in numbers] except TypeError: pass n = numbers if n == 0: result = '0' elif (abs(n) < 1e-3) or (abs(n) > 1e3): result = "%0.3e" % n elif abs(int(n) - n) < 1e-3 and int(n) != 0: result = "%i" % n else: result = "%0.3f" % n if result.find('.') != -1: result = result.rstrip('0') return result
[docs]def broadcast_to(array, shape): """ Compatibility function - can be removed once we support only Numpy 1.10 and above """ try: return np.broadcast_to(array, shape) except AttributeError: return array * np.ones(shape, array.dtype)