Installing Glue
Recommended: Anaconda Python Distribution
Enthought Canopy
Standalone Application
Building from Source (For the Brave)
Running Glue
Known issues
Getting started
Opening Data
Plotting Data
Defining Subsets
Refining Subsets and Linked Views
Linking Data
Saving your work
User Interface Guide
How Data Linking Works
Merging Datasets
Defining New Components
Spectrum Analysis
Slice Extraction
Visualizing Astronomical Dendrograms
Using the IPython terminal in Glue
Working with Data objects
Data classes
Using Data and DataCollection
Adding new attributes to datasets
Using lazy attributes
Defining new subsets
Accessing subset data
Creating a data object
Starting Glue from Python
Quickly send data to Glue with qglue
Manual data construction
Starting Glue from a script
Configuring Glue via a startup file
Example Usage: Custom Link Functions
Customizing your Glue environment
Custom Link Functions
Custom Data Loaders
Custom importers
Custom menubar tools
Custom Colormaps
Custom Subset Actions
Complete list of registries
Deferring loading of plug-in functionality (advanced)
Programmatically configuring plots
Plot Options
Customizing Plots with Matplotlib
Building Custom Data Viewers
The Goal: Basketball Shot Charts
Shot Chart Version 1: Heatmap and plot
Shot Chart Version 2: Court markings
Shot Chart Version 3: Widgets
Shot Chart Version 4: Selection
Viewer Subclasses
Valid Function Arguments
UI Elements
Other Guidelines
Watching data for changes
Writing a fully customized Qt viewer (advanced)
Displaying the widget in glue
Passing data to the widget
Adding side panels
Setting up a client
Using layers
Demo Videos
Quick Introduction to Glue (1 minute)
2013 SciPy Conference Talk (20 minutes)
The Perseus Shell (2 Minutes)
Glue, data cleaning, and civic hacking (5 minutes)
Glue, FBI Crime Data, and Plotly (5 minutes)
Extracting slices from cubes
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Glue crashing on startup?
What data formats does Glue understand?
How do I overplot catalogs on images in Glue?
How do I use Glue with the IPython notebook?
Does Glue Understand CASA Cubes?
Something is broken, or confusing. What should I do?
How do I make a scatterplot of columns from two different catalogs?
How do I make a scatterplot between two images?
I have some other question...?
Getting Help with Glue
The selection/subset framework
Regions of interest
Subset states
The communication framework
Publish/Subscribe model
Typical workflow
The linking framework
Creating component links programmatically
Built-in link functions
Developer Guide
Code organization
Qt development in Glue
Coding guidelines
Testing framework
How the MacOS X app is built
Core Data
User Interface
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