Source code for glue.utils.matplotlib

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

# We avoid importing matplotlib up here otherwise Matplotlib and therefore Qt
# get imported as soon as glue.utils is imported.

from glue.external.axescache import AxesCache
from glue.utils.misc import DeferredMethod

__all__ = ['renderless_figure', 'all_artists', 'new_artists', 'remove_artists',
           'get_extent', 'view_cascade', 'fast_limits', 'defer_draw',
           'color2rgb', 'point_contour', 'cache_axes']

[docs]def renderless_figure(): # Matplotlib figure that skips the render step, for test speed from mock import MagicMock import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.draw = MagicMock() plt.close('all') return fig
[docs]def all_artists(fig): """ Build a set of all Matplotlib artists in a Figure """ return set(item for axes in fig.axes for container in [axes.collections, axes.patches, axes.lines, axes.texts, axes.artists, axes.images] for item in container)
[docs]def new_artists(fig, old_artists): """ Find the newly-added artists in a figure :param fig: Matplotlib figure :param old_artists: Return value from :func:all_artists :returns: All artists added since all_artists was called """ return all_artists(fig) - old_artists
[docs]def remove_artists(artists): """ Remove a collection of matplotlib artists from a scene :param artists: Container of artists """ for a in artists: try: a.remove() except ValueError: # already removed pass
[docs]def get_extent(view, transpose=False): sy, sx = [s for s in view if isinstance(s, slice)] if transpose: return (sy.start, sy.stop, sx.start, sx.stop) return (sx.start, sx.stop, sy.start, sy.stop)
[docs]def view_cascade(data, view): """ Return a set of views progressively zoomed out of input at roughly constant pixel count Parameters ---------- data : array-like The array to view view : The original view into the data """ shp = data.shape v2 = list(view) logging.debug("image shape: %s, view: %s", shp, view) # choose stride length that roughly samples entire image # at roughly the same pixel count step = max(shp[i - 1] * v.step // max(v.stop - v.start, 1) for i, v in enumerate(view) if isinstance(v, slice)) step = max(step, 1) for i, v in enumerate(v2): if not(isinstance(v, slice)): continue v2[i] = slice(0, shp[i - 1], step) return tuple(v2), view
def _scoreatpercentile(values, percentile, limit=None): # Avoid using the scipy version since it is available in Numpy if limit is not None: values = values[(values >= limit[0]) & (values <= limit[1])] return np.percentile(values, percentile)
[docs]def fast_limits(data, plo, phi): """ Quickly estimate percentiles in an array, using a downsampled version Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.ndarray` The array to estimate the percentiles for plo, phi : float The percentile values Returns ------- lo, hi : float The percentile values """ shp = data.shape view = tuple([slice(None, None, np.intp(max(s / 50, 1))) for s in shp]) values = np.asarray(data)[view] if ~np.isfinite(values).any(): return (0.0, 1.0) limits = (-np.inf, np.inf) lo = _scoreatpercentile(values.flat, plo, limit=limits) hi = _scoreatpercentile(values.flat, phi, limit=limits) return lo, hi
[docs]def defer_draw(func): """ Decorator that globally defers all Agg canvas draws until function exit. If a Canvas instance's draw method is invoked multiple times, it will only be called once after the wrapped function returns. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg # don't recursively defer draws if isinstance(FigureCanvasAgg.draw, DeferredMethod): return func(*args, **kwargs) try: FigureCanvasAgg.draw = DeferredMethod(FigureCanvasAgg.draw) result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: FigureCanvasAgg.draw.execute_deferred_calls() FigureCanvasAgg.draw = FigureCanvasAgg.draw.original_method return result wrapper._is_deferred = True return wrapper
[docs]def color2rgb(color): from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter result = ColorConverter().to_rgb(color) return result
[docs]def point_contour(x, y, data): """Calculate the contour that passes through (x,y) in data :param x: x location :param y: y location :param data: 2D image :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns: * A (nrow, 2column) numpy array. The two columns give the x and y locations of the contour vertices """ try: from scipy import ndimage except ImportError: raise ImportError("Image processing in Glue requires SciPy") inten = data[y, x] labeled, nr_objects = ndimage.label(data >= inten) z = data * (labeled == labeled[y, x]) y, x = np.mgrid[0:data.shape[0], 0:data.shape[1]] from matplotlib import _cntr cnt = _cntr.Cntr(x, y, z) xy = cnt.trace(inten) if not xy: return None xy = xy[0] return xy
class AxesResizer(object): def __init__(self, ax, margins): = ax self.margins = margins @property def margins(self): return self._margins @margins.setter def margins(self, margins): self._margins = margins def on_resize(self, event): fig_width = fig_height = x0 = self.margins[0] / fig_width x1 = 1 - self.margins[1] / fig_width y0 = self.margins[2] / fig_height y1 = 1 - self.margins[3] / fig_height dx = max(0.01, x1 - x0) dy = max(0.01, y1 - y0)[x0, y0, dx, dy]) def freeze_margins(axes, margins=[1, 1, 1, 1]): """ Make sure margins of axes stay fixed. Parameters ---------- ax_class : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes class for which to fix the margins margins : iterable The margins, in inches. The order of the margins is ``[left, right, bottom, top]`` Notes ----- The object that controls the resizing is stored as the resizer attribute of the Axes. This can be used to then change the margins: >> ax.resizer.margins = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] """ axes.resizer = AxesResizer(axes, margins) axes.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', axes.resizer.on_resize)
[docs]def cache_axes(axes, toolbar): """ Set up caching for an axes object. After this, cached renders will be used to quickly re-render an axes during window resizing or interactive pan/zooming. This function returns an AxesCache instance. Parameters ---------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes to cache toolbar : `~glue.viewers.common.qt.toolbar.GlueToolbar` The toolbar managing the axes' canvas """ canvas = axes.figure.canvas cache = AxesCache(axes) canvas.resize_begin.connect(cache.enable) canvas.resize_end.connect(cache.disable) toolbar.pan_begin.connect(cache.enable) toolbar.pan_end.connect(cache.disable) return cache